We worship to step out of the world’s brokenness,

and step into God’s grace.

How will you Worship?

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Our church family has no illusions about brokenness. The world is broken, and so are we in all sorts of ways. But the miraculous Good News we get to share every Sunday is that in Christ is a grace so profound it can transform scattered lives into a new family and a broken world into a Kingdom of God. Join us Sundays at 9:00 or anytime online as we center ourselves on that grace.



Worship isn’t just the act of loving God, but of loving our neighbor (Matt 22:37-40). So, we invite anyone and everyone to join us every Sunday morning from 10am-10:30am for a coffee, a snack, and a chance to get to know your neighbors here. Be on the look out also for all of our groups and events that allow us to walk in fellowship throughout each week.


We worship a Savior who gives wisdom to infants and calls for disciples who can embrace the new Kingdom with the heart of a child (Matt 18:3). We honor this by making youth ministry a founding pillar of our church family’s ministry and by inviting all youth ages 4 and up to worship with us Sunday Morning at 9:00am in Sunday School.